Our Products

Our Factory is producing Ferro silicon as main product and Micro Silica as byproduct. Ferrosilicon is a ferroalloy, an alloy of iron and silicon. It is usually produced in submerged arc furnaces by reduction of silica or quartz sand (SiO2) with coke in presence of iron and usually contains around 75% silicon. Its applications include deoxidizing steel and other ferrous alloys, making it a so-called master alloy in steel production. Microsilica is primarily based on amorphous silicon dioxide (SiO2) consisting of submicron spherical primary particles and agglomerates of these. This material is highly reactive in cementitious and ceramic bond systems.


Consulting In The Field Of Production

Aliyazh Sanat Omid Sepahan Co. was established in 2019 with the aim of producing high quality ferro alloys for steel and cast iron industries.
The factory was started up in a land of 6 hectares in Isfahan province and using two arc furnace with a production capacity of 3,600 tons of melting per year for production of Ferroslicon 75% as main product and microsilica as byproduct.

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